Monday, April 11, 2011

Why do you write?

Someone once asked me when I was little why I wrote so much. I was always in the process of creating. In fact, I don't believe my mind knows of any other way to exist. Creating is the only thing that keeps me sane, it was my way of coping with life. I remember one year I asked for a type writer for Christmas, all I wanted to do was type my ideas. Since I was little I had stories in my head. Often times people would talk to me and I would be hunting the bad guys with Scooby Doo or creating a world fit for the princess with unicorns and gummy bear trees. Truth is that I never have really lived here. I suppose if you pull out the trusted DSM whatever number it is now, you could find some sort of diagnosis for my need to create. I need to get out the things that float around in my mind or they eat at me. I don't mean in a bad way but they will float around there for days, just taking up valuable time and space. I won't be able to focus unless I let them out on paper or sing a song about it. I often just start humming a melody and then add words to it. Now I am no great singer but it is a release. Writing is no different. I meditate and I get these thoughts and messages, I sit with them for a while and then I am compelled to share. "The power of God Compells you," he he he I mean really if I didn't write and create, create a visual to the abstract in my mind, I think I would have gone quite looney tunes by now. Seriously, I might be sitting at a mental hospital rocking back and forth, rubbing some stuffed kitties head going, "nice kitty, lets go play in the garden." ha ha With the universal conciousness, I am not the first person to think these things, I am not going to be the last, I am however a person who puts them down for all of you to see. My stories are your stories, be them fictional or factual. Most of what I post here is factual other than a few poems here and there. I just feel the need to share. I was told by several people there are books inside of me and I agree. Books and stories, pages of information to share. I know at times I don't even want to hear what I am writing but it needs to be said because one day, that message is going to be important. I think we all create in some way. Some sew like my beautiful friend Anne Marie, some take pictures like my husband, some paint like my beautiful friend Dori. I am surrounded by artists and creators. One of my friends creates through gardening and you know we all have to create. That is what we were put on this earth for, creating beautiful things. My words are what I offer as a gift to all of you and those of you I don't even know. So you can choose to either take them and hold them close or ignore them. In the end I have created and I feel the beauty of my abstract mind becomes clearer through the black, white and gray world of words. How is your garden growing today? Celeste


  1. I don't write creatively. I don't have much of an imagination for inventive story-creating, but I do write my life. I write wit. I write sadness and anger and spirituality. I write my inner most thoughts. In short, I write because it's a heckuva lot cheaper than therapy.

    It allows me to express myself without the added influence of clouded tongue -if that makes sense.

    Like you, I feel the need to share. I share because I hate feeling alone and by expressing my inner thoughts (be them in angel or demon mode) I'm connecting with the human element. The problem, of course, is that not everyone is ready to dive into that deep of an existence. Most prefer to skim the surface where it's nice and safe and pretty. But that's not me. I like to get down deep and uncover my muck and your muck (your being the world) and I like to toss it all into the air screaming "WEEEEE, looky at what we ARE!! At least we're not alone!!"
    Writing is a huge part of how I live authentically. Through my words I am 100% unadulterated me. And it's not that I'm not me in the fleshy-walking-around-world, but as you and I know, there is a time and a place and I can't very well run into Walmart screaming that my PMS is making me a batshit looney and I feel like kicking small children. *wink*

    I don't know how I became such bedfellows with my thoughts, but I am grateful for it and for my ability to put it down with writing. Or typing, as the case may be.

  2. You can tell you are a writer by nature because your comment is nearly as long as the original blog. ha ha

    I love reading your words. What you put forth is real, solid, and understandable and most people, as you have said, prefer to turn away from the reality of humanity and our existance and the inner workings of our minds, souls, emotional upheavels, etc, etc, and the list goes on and on.

    Someone once unfriended me because I posted too much "raw" information. I posted when I was angery, when I was happy, when I wanted to get laid, but seriously, I was honest and true to who I am. I struck a nerve with them, well isn't that a good thing? I think so, they didn't.

    I think sometimes our words strike nerves and when a nerve is struck it needs to be struck. I have said that before to people, "how can what I write about myself upset you unless you feel a deeper connection to it or have been there." HA! It is true.... Most people just live.... Most people post on facebook, in blogs, on LiveJournal, whatever medium they want, they post flakey have assed posts about how wonderful and cheerful their lives our and inside I can FEEL through the computer they are a mess oh pudding inside. Their emotions are so low and jumbled and they don't even know why they feel how they feel.

    Being real isn't about being shocking, it's about being honest. I have now removed my honesty from facebook because as one person so kindly told me, "I don't need to be preached at." Really?

    My words had/have been my best friend since I can remember. Words are what create a sense of peace and beauty with in my mind. I am not perfect and I am not any better than anyone else, I just AM me and I NEED to create, be it words, jewelry, whatever, I need to create.
