Sunday, July 24, 2011

I really didn't know....

I really didn't know.....

There are a few things in life I really didn't know....  Things I thought I knew but I didn't really.....

1.  Truly letting go of the past....
2.  Accepting others for who they are....
3.  Finding happiness when things are going wrong.....
4.  Truly and honestly loving myself....
5.  Forgiveness....  All of it, purity of....
6.  Myself....

We all live and we all think we are living to our true and authentic selves.  We think we truly love ourselves unconditionally and then we pick ourselves apart.  It isn't the picking ourselves apart, it's the using it against ourselves.  "I can't wear this I am too fat, I have Acne, this scar is ugly no one can love me," whatever negative self talk we use against ourselves.  Preventing ourselves from feeling good.

Accepting others for who they are, and that means not judging.  Can we really say that we have never judged someone, "that person is a killer, they are bad."  You have made the judgement that they are bad.  Finding balance with our spiritual self and our ego is important.  Saying, "I hope that person finds peace for the things he has done."  Would that be judgemental?  I mean we are born and from an early age geared to make judgements so that we can survive.  If we all sat around doing nothing, well we would starve to death.  At some point we realize, "if I cry like this, Mom will feed me."  We make the judgement on if I do A then B will happen.  This is what we are geared for, trained for so how can we ever truly accept people, all people?  Honestly, we probably can't, but it is something we should strive for.

I am struggling now through some changes, the unfoldment process of spiritual growth and really dredge up some stuff we think is dead and buried.  We need to learn to truly let things go and how to forgive it starts with love.  It starts with loving ourselves and forgiving ourselves for not truly letting go of things.  Then we need to focus on that terrible thing that happened and send it love, Lot's of love.  Keep sending lots of love to it and tell yourself, them, it, the moment that you forgive.   You forgive.  You need to forgive.

We all think we know how to do this but do we really know?
We know what we want to do, maybe not how to....
Maybe we know how to but think we have already completed the task....
Most things in life require us to occasionally visit them and heal again, to refocus love to ourselves, to love unconditionally again.  To forgive, to forgive and to forgive. 

Sometimes what we think we know we don't know and what we do know we need to view again.  Sometimes, we don't even know where we get our beliefs....

Sometimes, we really just don't know like we think we know.


  1. SOME self critique is healthy is it not? For if you accept yourself as lazy, over/under weight, etc and you do nothing to change it because you accept it....then you become stagnant. There is a balance.Don't hate yourself for I'll say body figure because most of us do, but if you want to change it, it's ok, then work on it. But if you've tried and gosh darn it that certain aspect of you isn't changing, then yeah, just love it and accept it. I personally find it a bit easier to love others and accept them for who they are than to deal with some skeletons in my closet. Actually Celeste you found some for me the other day that it was obvious, but I didn't notice them...they became a part of the every day scenery that they became invisible. When you brought them to light while digging through my stuff :-) I realized I needed to let go of some things and face them head on. It's great to clean once in a while. Kinda the hoarding...but necessary. Many times I can see straight through to the core of others, but in doing so, I forget to look within. Sometimes it just takes someone else to wake you up once in a while....and also important to be honest with others and some positive pats on the back to others helps self esteem.

  2. It is so important to find some peace with in ourselves, accept, forgive and make changes where we believe we need to change. It is a hard process. I am not perfect, I try to be spiritually evolved, it makes it hard to do when we fight with ourselves. I find it funny that often time peoples blame their conflicts on what is outside when many times it is the inside battles that do the most damage.
    For example, I have two ill parents, I focus on taking care of them and I am stressed, it is my choice to be stressed. I fight with in myself to be the perfect daughter, for who? It doesn't serve me any purpose to run myself around so much? What is the purpose, is it them who are causing my stress or myself?
