Things have been so busy for me and I feel like I have been in a tail spin this year. Good and bad but that is how life is, contrast is so important, as my friend Lydia says.
I have been busy with Meditation classes in my home on the first and third Sundays of the month. I have been very busy with Gallery Readings and private readings. Making new friends and reconnecting with old friends, and it's been a journey.
So what is new...
Mediumship classes with my soul sister Risa will begin May 7th, first come first seat sort of situation, maximum of 10 people.
Hoping to expand to more classes but time is short, working two jobs can be quite tiring, playing the balancing act.
So here it is.... Messages I have been getting lately.
I was sitting there doing a gallery reading and I hear see angels, pets, people, and even those things that one might consider mythological like Fairy's. I can see if you have had a NDE (Near Death Experience) and can even tell you if you have died before. This does not always come through in the reading, sometimes it isn't important, but sometimes it is.
So here is the factoids I got recently from spirit and the explanation is the best I have for you.
People ask me why I don't get names or remember names, truth is, we only have names because of our bodies, our identity here on earth. In the heavens we do not have names attached to our soul, our soul is very unique, or our spirit, how you differentiate is up to you. I will not tell you how to decide what is what. Some explain it as the Soul is connected to the body and spirit is connect to the heavens. However, they are like DNA and intertwined. So just sit with that for a bit.
Onward and upward, there is probably a point somewhere in this commentary with spirit. The point, the explanation the beautiful truth in everything is that there is truth in nothing. That is unless we make it truth. So my truth is our spirit and our soul are nameless energy and we want names, but they do not care. So I do not care to ask names or get names, it is rare and it is a shock when it happens but I will take what I can.
Truth is, I will tell people other things about their loved one that make them understand who it is or things that happen in their day to day lives that validate someone is hanging out with them. You know, it is beautiful how much spirit hangs around with us.
So one of the things people ask me to explain is what they will get from the readings. Will they get some sort of knowledge into the future, will they get some answers to the past, and one of the things I say.... "My readings are for knowledge, acceptance, healing and whatever else comes from spirit." I have no control when I read, it is what it is and if you are comfortable with that, I will read for you. Faith is beautiful and carries a gift beyond that we can feel. Tangibility is not just physical.
So how is your Garden Growing?