Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Hello, is anyone out there?

Hello, is anyone out there?

The simple answer is yes.  Lots of spirits waiting to talk.  Some random chatter in my brain today I thought I would share, a conversation between myself, spirit and myself....  ha~!

So I was thinking, the funny thing about thinking is sometimes it causes unwanted stress and sadness. 

It is an unhealthy but necessary habit, I mean, if we don't think how will we resolve the problems in our lives right?  Imagine if we all just stopped thinking, just stopped the worry and stopped the insanity of our minds for a year, what would happen?  We would all just be waiting, stressed, depressed, who knows what else or maybe we would just do whatever will God (my God your God, whatever name you use) has for us.  We have to think to make decisions, to make changes, to bring ourselves happiness rather than sadness or depression.  Imagine, just for a moment if you will, if we shut down completely....  DEATH....

So let me ask you this....  Really quickly, because this had me laughing a bit when spirit showed me this....

We die and we don't have to make decisions or plan things out, but what do we think about?

Truth is we work on ourselves on that side too.  Our minds are so intertwined with us that when we pass we work on healing ourselves because it is easier when there is no emotion involved.  That is the benefit of death but why can't we achieve that here for healing?

We are emotional beings that respond to events and thoughts in an emotional way, sadness, happiness, anger, frustration, and the list goes on.  The goal is to be more objective in our thinking, to be able to remove ourselves from what we are thinking and disconnect the emotional connection to then heal, decide or even bring ourselves some sort of inner peace.

Or is the emotional part of us an important part, something we NEED here on earth, to help guide us and protect us? 

So I ask you, how do you grow your Garden?

I just want people to think....  To think about what it means to think, what it means to problem solve, what it means to feel and how our emotions are useful or at times not useful in our daily thought patterns.  I am just wondering, what do you think?  I know I spent the entire blog contradicting myself, as spirit often has me do, because what is right for one person is not right for the other.  People, like my husband, can remove the emotional aspect of thinking and using their thoughts to better a situation, someone like me fails at doing that and I get all of my emotions in a tizzy over situations that I can or can not change.  So I am asking for your perspective and wondering, what do you think.

How is your Spiritual Garden growing today?


  1. I think both on an emotional and logical level.I consider my emotional thoughts to lean more towards activism, but it drains me. I have to logically think myself out of a sad situation to feel better. Saying it will not last forever or there can be change. Making life decisions like who your partner is and if they're good for you or what career choice should I make is difficult. For example, I'm not happy with my job choice, but it pays the bills and has health insurance.Emotionally I'd just walk out, but logically I can't. I try not to jump anymore in careers without knowing where I'm going next. Emotions can be beneficial,but also blinding.....rose colored glasses...but if you think too much on the logic side, then that isn't always what's best either. For example not everyone's a dr or lawyer like their parents want them to be. And marrying for money with no love isn't a real winner either. We need a balance of both to function. I'm always problem solving and trying to create in my head.

  2. I can be both, but I am less logical when it is about emotional things, like relationships. I tend to be impulsive, which is good at times and bad. I fought through that with my husband. It is a very hard balance to find. I have not learned the balance. I am working towards it as we all have our issues we are working through.
