Thursday, June 20, 2013

Will you remember me?

I had a dream last night that I was a child. 
My adult self came to me and I, the child asked, "will you remember me?"
I, my adult self nodded and said, "of course."
Truth is we often don't remember our child selves.
This is why so many times I work on reconnecting the child self to the adult self.

What is the point?
 Joe says, "I mean really who cares about the child, I am all grown up now.  I don't need to be that snotty nosed kid who played in the mud anymore, in fact, I can't stand mud."

Okay there is no Joe but the point of the story is to bring about thought.

What is the point of that child in you?

To keep your sense of wonderment alive.
To keep your playful nature and joy in laughter bubbling at the surface.
To keep your sense of belonging in this world.
To seek joy in the simple things in this world.  SIMPLE THINGS.

I remember when I was little a grasshopper, BIG ONE hopped right onto my leg.  I sat and looked at him intently and watched his big eyes look around.  I feel in love with that grasshopper for that very moment and I wanted to know what he was thinking and I wanted to see what the world looked like from his perspective so after he left I layed on my belly and I looked up at the world around me, if the trees seem that big to me how big to the grasshopper?  If the sky seems so out of reach to me how out of reach for that grasshopper? 

Now as I am older I wonder, does the grasshopper even care about how little he is in this big world?  Perhaps he is content to munch on his grass and hop along on the blades.  Looking in the dew droplets in the morning and sipping on sweet nectar.  Perhaps he has a simple mind where his life is simply that of a grasshopper and I perhaps should just be content living the life of a human.

I wonder sometimes, if my child self really maybe did get it.  I realized I was part of something greater.  It wasn't that I knew what that greater thing was but I knew that I was important and just as important as I was that grasshopper.  Each thing, each part of this existence is important. 

Being connected with your child you can laugh at the little things and rejoice in life.  It isn't always perfect but it is perfectly imperfect.  Find amazement again and do not judge what you do not live.  Do not judge that friend or that enemy of yours.  Respect the differences and know they have their place in this world.  Remember, everything has a place and embrace the child inside again!

Giggle until 2 am
Imagine riding a dragon to China
Imagine digging to china
Pretend you are a pirate on an adventure while stuck in traffic, you can blame the slow movement on your sails.

Have fun again and realize, life is pretty amazing.

How does your garden grow?

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