Thursday, March 22, 2018

Get on your knees and pray to whatever you believe in

I uttered those words on my private facebook page.  

There was an out cry of fear.  People telling me that statement is ominous.  

How can a statement of faith be ominous unless you have fear or do not truly have faith?

First let me define my God:  He is not a traditional version of God.  My God is an energy of love, compassion, kindness, unending spiritual intelligence and did I mention Love.  He is the energy we all strive to be.

Let me start from the beginning:

I walked outside with my dogs and closed my eyes.  Sadness, fear and fatigue have been plaguing me.  My truest sadness feeling that we are at the end of days.  The ending feeling ever present over my shoulder.  I closed my eyes and felt a fire burning inside of me like none I have felt before.  A rage at the state of the world, the focus on the negative and I felt a tear fall down my face.  That is the moment an overwhelming calm washed over me.  A moment of pure bliss I have now assigned this sensation after years of working with spirit to Jesus.

The download was simple, "get on your knees and pray."

We spend more time in front of the internet reading articles, fighting with people, getting angry when people do not see our point of view that we forget to just pray.

Now let me define this for you.
Pray:  to address or make a solemn request of state appreciation and thanks to a deity, god, an object of worship.

This is not about saying a traditional Hail Mary or some other traditional prayer, this is about praying, and focusing on love, appreciation.

There is a real fear, kids are being killed, focus on negative impacts of politics, letting the color of skin, religious choices, politics and a cluster of a thousand other issues divide us.  We will never agree with everything our friends think.  We will never agree with every stance on an issue or view on a topic.  We have lost friends over how we vote, whether we believe in getting rid of AR-15 or how we choose to worship.  Why are we letting the world be divided by hate and fear?

We see movements towards equality and then we fear again.  Faith is something greater than us is lost and we flounder.  WE doubt because there is suffering.  Having faith through the ugly is truly the test of our belief is it not?  Is that not the time we have to send out more positive, love and compassion.  We need to work as a community to accept other peoples belief systems and story.  

Every religion can bring about positive out comes for the members if they hear the positive messages, not the fear written into the stories.  The bible was initially from God and then Man put his hand into the work and turned it into a fear based faith.  That is not what we are supposed to follow, fear.  Fear, hate, discord leads to negativity.

The devil is not going to bring about the end of days because humans are already doing that.  They are already creating their own discord.  We are destroying ourselves, our souls and the earth.

Change you.

How does your Garden Grow?

Monday, March 12, 2018

Monday ponderings


Last night I had a gallery and there was a man who came through.  His name was Al, as he was talking to his daughter he was ranting.  He was talking about how he was a hard worker and the problem with society today is we are a bunch of complainers.  Our boss is mean, oh boo hoo, go look for another job then.  Stop blaming the boss for your misery, if you are there you know how he/she is and you can just ignore it, learn how to deal with him/her.  Stand up for yourself, if you loose your job it wasn't meant to be.  Be thankful you have a job, car, roof over your head.  It's not the size of the house, the car you drive that defines success, it's how you enjoy your life!

NOW, this goes against every core of who I am.  To attack anyone because of their way of dealing with pain, hurt, crazy bosses.  However, he reminded me of a very important lesson, we sometimes choose misery.  The saying, "misery loves company", popped in my head.  It is true, in the land of social media we just have a complaint platform don't we?  People commiserate with us, send us the I am so sorry you are feeling this way posts.  Really though, no one can fix that for you.  No one is going to go up to your boss and yell at them.

When I was growing up my Dad worked 14-18 hour days nearly every day, 7 days a week.  Now I hear people bitch about only working 40 hours a week.  People love to complain, because then others complain and we have people who understand us, isn't it great?  That is the T-Rex, that is why he is here, because complaining eats everything up.  It can become a ginormous monster if we allow it, sharp teeth digging into us, destroying out joy.

Today I saw 20 complaints about daylight savings time, 7 abused dog photos, 27 complaints about the impending storm, and the list goes on.  We sit in negativity as a society sometimes, looking at all that is going wrong.  Is that because as a society we are all raised to fix things, or be a problem solver?  I am not sure but it is becoming more and more prevalent.  I have a lot of friends who have gone of social media completely and found center, balance and a better perspective of what is important to them.  

Be grateful for what you have, share when you can and if a job is making you that miserable, change it. 

How does your garden grow?


Friday, March 2, 2018

Back to Blogging


There is something beautiful about nothing. 
I don't know how to explain it really but to say it is simply ease.
I feel often in the quiet I am most closely connected to the source of love and light.
I would say when I am in silence I am most myself.
Silence works for me.

Here it is Friday, my phone is broken and I am looking at the computer.
I thought, what haven't I done in a while.
I have not sat in silence. 

I sat for a minute.
I realized how much I dislike human form.
I realized how much I dislike human stress.
I realized how much I dislike human disease.
I realized how much I dislike human complacency.
I realized how difficult being a human is.

I am not sure I have a solution for this condition we call life,
But it is just a condition.
A very short stay on a big world.
A very short stay in a dimension.
Then I thought, but many keep coming back.
Why do we want to come back here.


There are wonderful things

We often get stuck in the tactile sensations of human existence
We forget we are in charge of it
We choose what things we want
We choose what people we keep and let go of
We choose every day to direct our life
Yet many blame others for loss or failures
Some look at themselves for errors and get angry at themselves
None of that helps our souls grow

What does is
Sitting inside of ourselves
Releasing our fears
Our disdain for our humanness
Filling it full of LOVE
Filling the space with in our soul and heart with LOVE
Your time here may already be half over
It might be time to say goodbye tomorrow
Can you say you lived in love
You forgave yourself
Or were you always chasing the dollar
For what
A nicer car

You will still die like the rest of us
When I chase dollars
It is for basics
For food
Modest Home
I just want 


Shift perception

How does your garden grow