Thursday, April 7, 2011

Coming back from Vacation

The oddest thing happened on vacation, it was for the most part a complete success, yet so many things went wrong.
1. On the way there, the decent of the plane, I had the most horrible pain in my head, I thought something popped in my brain, on the pain scale, between 8-10.
2. Ended up with the stomach virus on Saturday and Sunday.
3. Ended up with the kids Monday night with the stomach virus.
4. Tuesday Brandon had a migraine and couldn't eat.
5. Wednesday Morning I had such gas pains I woke up to an adrenaline rush, my entire body was shaking and shivering.
6. As I was getting ready to fly I found a flyer that said, "How to get to Heaven in Florida."
So you see that, 6 things that went wrong.
So equally so we should list 6 things that went right.
1. We went to the drive through safari.
2. Seeing the kids eyes light up when they fed a giraffe.
3. Seeing Alexa so happy to ride the elephant ride, similar to the dumbo ride at Disney. She was even more thrilled that her brother went on with her.
4. Taking long walks with Brandon looking for cool things at the beach.
5. Watching Alexanderia with her swimmies on in the pool.
6. Racing Brandon in the pool.
7. Going out with my husband one night for drinks, alone.
8. Spending time with my MIL and talking about our lives.
Wait, just wait for it....
That's it....
I mean we have to have balance. Sometimes in our life everything runs so smoothly, not a bump in the road. Yet when those bumps hit we focus on the bumps, because they sometimes leave marks. In the end though, most bumps only leave marks if you let them.
I walked the beach alone after a particularly bad storm looking for shells. I spoke with my FIL (father in law) who is in spirit and I said to him, "If you are listening, which I am sure you are, help me find some cool things to bring home to Brandon (who was sick) and some sea glass." I did find some cool things and I cried. I cried as I walked along the beach because I said, "If my FIL was here he would tell us every shell we picked up what it was or he would spend all year looking for sea glass."
The point is we need to suffer, we need to cry, we need to feel pain, we need to feel hopelessness, we need to feel loss, we need to feel all that negative smegma in our lives so that we can feel relief, happiness, joy, hopefulness and abundance.
Some of us want to assume everything is a sign. That God is trying to tell us something from every bad moment to every good moment but really, they are just moments. If "GOD" whomever that may be for you, was trying to communicate anything it is that, every moment is unique and take that moment for what it is. If you didn't like it and can prevent a moment like that from happening again then do that. Take steps to make your life better if you can.
We need a balance, we need pain or we would never know joy. We need illness or we would never appreciate when our body is functioning right. We need to feel loss to know when we are gaining something. We don't keep those we love forever because we need to learn to appreciate them.
Life is beautiful, even beautiful has flaws.
Tend to your garden.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds as though your trip to Florida overall was a blessing for your family. Feeding a giraffe! How awesome is that?! Love you Celeste, we need to make plans.
