Saturday, April 9, 2011

**Warning Adult Content**

So I wanted to talk about the big O. Yes I am talking about it, the orgasm. Now I know for some this is taboo so you best turn your eyes away and not read any further, for those of you who can handle it, welcome. Some would say that the Orgasm has nothing to do with spirituality. Well, let me have you think: Spirituality for me is about being a good, positive person, who puts forward an effort of kindness and generosity. I try to live in the land of happy even when life is crappy and I try to avoid drama and focus on happy things. I also do my best to meditate to relieve my stress and anxiety because yes, I have them. So how does the big "O" and no I am not talking about Oprah, the big orgasm have anything to do with spirituality. Okay so I don't make this stuff up people, there was a study on how the "penetration" orgasm with a partner helps lower BP by like 14pts. Just masterbating and clitoral orgasms did not have the same results. So what does this have to do with everything you are asking. Orgasm, be it self created or with a partner, can help reduce the feeling of stress, headaches, high bp, and can bring a state of euphoria. The thing is that, it is like a mini vacation for the body. I remember thinking about this the other day and thought, I know men and women who are chronic masterbators, they enjoy the sensations they receive through the body and feel it helps them get through the day. They have a real sense of joy and relaxation as they start the day or end the day. How many times do we have friends who have not had a date, let alone sex in forever and the tend to be a bit mopey, notice how people notice when they have sex because they are glowing and shining a bit more. I don't know why the orgasm and sex has become so taboo a topic in this society. I know that sex with a partner that you love is more satisfying and leaves a longer sense of calm and peace to one after they have sex. But for those who do not have a partner, or maybe do and have to do the work themselves because of schedule or whatever it may be, I am not judging, it is important that they still experience this release. So if you don't have time to meditate, orgasm if you can, I mean because lets face it, your mind is either quiet, or fantasizing, your entire body and self are in the moment and when it is over, there is a time that you are not thinking about anything else. You don't believe me how powerful a thing an orgasm is, then try having sex and your partner getting there and you don't? You will feel cranky and stressed for hours, days, seriously, I have had that happen at times. Talk about the wicked witch of the west. I am not suggesting reckless sexual exploits by any means, so don't use this as your gateway blog to random sexual pleasures. However, take this time to think about it, having a bad day, go have sex or an orgasm of some sort. Remember, it's your body and it deserves all sorts of kindness. Relax, enjoy, and remember, it's more fun than meditation. Have you been growing your garden? Celeste

1 comment:

  1. you know i was wondering about the adult content thing, because i have a naked doll i wanted to post. She actually got banned off a message board because she was naked. how funny is that? She was also published in a book about hotflashes. Did i ever show you that?
    Enjoy your O's
