Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Never thought I would type this

We all need to take more responsibility for our life choices and admit our own faults. Do not blame others when things go bad. That is all.... The world isn't out to get you. I will finish this thought later, as my daughter woke up crying.... See, she was my choice, therefore her life will never be an inconvenience to me, a bump in my roads sure, but never a problem.


  1. My god...I was thinking the exact same thing after reading someones blog blaming her spouse for something that was ENTIRELY in her control. THat's kinda a I literally just read it, popped over it and saw this.

    Get out of my head, C!

  2. You know what? You are absolutely right. I have control over certain things, and I need to be responsible for those things. Thanks for this, can't wait for you to finish this thought.
