I have been missing in action, not out of choice but rather my blogger program has been less than cooperative.
So back a while ago I talked about creating what you want in life. That is visualization....
I have read and heard so many books and trains of thought on the ability to manifest what you want in your life. Most people think it's horse crap and I get it and I thought that way too. I mean after all, what the freak do you want me to believe. I have been trying to manifest the 100,000,000 winning lotto ticket so I can save the world and it hasn't happened yet.
Well, this past week I was given a swift kick in the rear by the powers that be. I think one of the things is that when you ask the Universe for Something you need to be aware of what you are asking for and watch for it. We want it dropped in our lap and sometimes, just sometimes it is dangled in front of us. We ask "God" how this is fair and here is the truth, you have to sometimes put a little work into obtaining this "thing" to prove that you really want this change.
Oh and just because you get what you ask for, doesn't mean it was right for you. Perhaps it's just a lesson learned to be careful what you wish for.
It is true that ignorance is bliss but hear me out for a second.
1. If you truly want something you can get it, be prepared to put a little effort in yourself.
2. They don't grant lotto wishes, so just stop, I have tried for years with the best intentions to open my home to foster kids, donate to CT Children's Hospital and other various donations and assistance. So far, all my good intentions with the money, saving the majority of CT's struggling families falls on deaf ears. I guess that is not in the big plan.
3. Pray once in a while, pray for love, light and peace with in yourself
4. When the going gets tough, get your ass up and move forward.
So that is it, my pearls of wisdom. It appears that I am being given a chance to open a daycare and move. I have been asking for this for a while. However, I can not take my disabled father with me. Eventually he will need to go into disability housing, truth is, I think this is God's way of making him find some more Independence and friends so he is less depressed also. Be prepared, often the things you want most require big changes from you.
Lol yeah....the me before wanted to win the lotto and help out loved ones and then spoil myself to death. The me now changed and yeah I'll get one once in a while but my intentions changed for the greater good. I have dreams of trying to figure out ways to help others so they can help themselves. Sure I don't mind some charity, but I strongly like the principal of teach a man to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime. I "thought" with good intention it would just fall out of the sky :-) but maybe sometimes the universe is trying to teach us by letting humanity fall on their bum. The school of hard knocks....the I told you so. I too questioned why,but got an answer. Also yes, I understand getting what you ask for. I thought I had a pretty darn good life about a year ago, but I grew. I asked for spiritual growth and veils to be removed from my eyes and wowzers it set inner turmoil brewing because I found out what true happiness really should be. My happiness before was more of an illusion and living in lala land. The people around me didn't grow. And even though I'm happy as a lark that I got what I wanted (or at least knew where my destination should be), it came with a price. The price of losing those around you....and yeah I know those people in general will be replaced with those that fit better, but it doesn't make it any less painful to watch them get angry and upset at you for changing. That is why I like the Facebook post. I realize that whomever around me I have affected, I can only love them and hold their hand, tell them it is ok and I still love them even though I need to walk a different path.