There are a few schools of thought in regards to how one should make change.
Change is a necessity, we can not just sit around and be the same person all the time. I often hear mothers saying, "I have lost my identity." Truth is, it isn't lost, it has changed, maybe before the kids you went out all the time and hung out with friends, now you are at home day in and day out with your children, you and your husband barely speak truth is, you both have changed. Even if you do not have kids this happens in marriages. People are in a constant state of flux and truth is it is change. We are the epitome of what the definition of change is.
Sometimes though we have to make HUGE choices that involve a big change. It is hard and scary to think about, but the stagnation of living in the situation we are is more harmful than moving forward. That doesn't make it easier knowing this because often times the best changes in our lives are the scariest ones to make. It is darn right frightening to leap into the unknown.
I wrote about this on my facebook and a thought came to me, an image.
Our life is a journey, sometimes that journey is by land, by sea and by air. We travel through different chapters in our lives. When are lives become a struggle, it is by sea, in my mind, the waves bringing us up and down. We sit out on the deck of that boat, feeling sick, aggravated, scared and we know we have to change what do we do? How do we get out of there? Truth is, you can choose to jump and tread water for a while, which will not bring you an immediate change but usually extra struggles. Or you can wait until you see land, a plan and jump, swimming to shore, and sure you might have to travel the land a little, which might be unstable at times but you will get there, to the other side, to catch the next plane for smooth sailing, or the next boat for the next set of challenges.
We have to have negative to appreciate the positive. Day by day we get through, avoid jumping off with out a plan whenever possible but sometimes, you need to take that leap of faith that your God will take you to where you need to be.
Truth is, for every decision you make, you can make another one to reverse your steps as need be. You can always go swimming again.
So my quote for you is: Change is not about jumping off a ship out of fear, it is often about choosing at which port you want to exit and move forward. Never jump, it's harder to tread water then swim to dry land.
Spiritual growth is like a Garden, go back to page one, post one if you want more information on this Garden theory, but truth is, we need to always grow and we are always getting chances to do that. We may not appreciate it at the time but in the end we become stronger.
Be blessed, tend your garden and remember, love is a beautiful thing, especially when it comes from self.
Hmmm...a little confused by your wording. At some points you say take a leap of faith that God will take you to where you want to be(and being able to back track if it isn't going well), at others you say never jump, and the third talks about choosing to jump and treading water. So is it all of these? When you use words like Always and Never, then there isn't room for an exception. So is it more like...It is best to have a plan and see land before you jump ship, but if you do jump into the unknown hoping for the best that is ok too, but might be harder or you might lose out for having jumped too early and need a life boat to save you so you can then change for a better path. Basically a larger gamble. I understand do not "jump" out of fear to an obvious negative like drugs and alcohol. Also people don't always "jump" out of "fear" but instead because they just really don't like the situation they're in and that jump to the unknown is sometimes better than their current situation (like leaving an abusive household, but no plan on where to go). Thoughts?
ReplyDeleteWhen I say Never jump, perhaps I should clarify, NEVER jump if you have time on your side. Let's face it, sometimes we don't have time to think and have to react.
ReplyDeleteI am trying to figure out what you read where I said that you must do one or the other. The only part I found was where I posted the never comment.
I guess this is the best way to explain things to people.
Depending on the situation.... The situation is the variable in our mathmatical equation.
Situation: Stagnation, need for change, desire for change
A. Make a plan, prepare for the change and exit when we are ready and have somewhat prepared ourselves.
B. Jump off the boat with out looking, ie quitting a job because we don't like our boss and just hoping we find something quickly.
Situation: Thrown at us, perhaps with little to no previous knowledge of the situation, for example, someone cheats on you, you are fired. This would also include needing to leave a violent relationship.
A. You don't reaally have a choice, you are sort of pushed off the boat. Hopefully you are by shore.
The point is you have to have faith, that no matter what the situation or the change that is comming, you are going to get through it. If you can plan it out, exit at the right port, awesome, if not, have faith that the current will take you to a better self.
Trust in the process, use it to your advantage when you can and when you have no choice and the boat is sinking, pray for strength to make it through the situation. Is that clearer? Maybe not, I have not had much sleep and my explanations are often not even fully realized yet because I am still streaming information through. Learning, it's a process for everyone and sometimes the process is long and about communicating thoughts and ideas.
Much better thank you :-)