Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I have started back on my diet and working out, it is what I call torture.  It is because for every moment I am on that freaking beast of a machine I want to be doing something else.  I do however look forward to the results....  That is what life is about...  What life is about is getting through each moment, struggle.  Some of the best changes come through the most difficult moments in our lives and we do not understand our the benefit of those moments until later.  I am not going to wake up 10 lbs thinner tomorrow (wouldn't that be nice) but in a few weeks, a few months, the changes will be more obvious and I will remember why I did each moment of exercise and went through each struggle.  When people separate or get divorced, they do not see the benefits and how much better their lives are until later on when they meet that right person or develop a new strength in their lives.  When we struggle through the adversity we do not see the light because it isn't at the "end of the tunnel" it is actually even further down the path, it's a new light that renews our spirits and souls.  Be blessed, be blessed, be blessed and tend to your Garden.

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