Saturday, February 2, 2013

My MOMMA always said:

"If you don't have anything nice to say, say nothing at all."
What does this have to do with a spiritual lesson?

Take it a step further

"If you don't have anything nice to say, find something and be sincere."

Our society is raised to see what is going wrong.  To view the negative because it gets in the way of positive.  I feel that is backwards a bit.

Let's say you get a new job and your boss is less than a desirable person to work for.  I always try to look at them as not my boss, as a soul living through human experiences.  You know they could have a stressful job, be a single parent, not be as emotionally evolved as they should be, and the list goes on.  The point is to find something nice to say about them.  "Wow they really do handle all those tasks really well."  Or maybe, "my boss certainly dresses well."  I know that sounds nutty, but find something nice to say.  I believe it turns your impression of an individual around.

I have a few issues with people who make me crazy and I have named them the "crazy" people.  I stopped and thought about this the other night.  They are souls living a human experience so I thought about the kind things I could say about them and made a list. 

The more ill we talk about individuals the more negativity we put out in the world.  The more positive we view others, the more positivity we put out in the world. 

That goes for everything.  For example, you get into a car accident and your car is totaled.  You are pay check to pay check and can't really afford a payment and what stinks even more is that the accident was your fault.  Holy suck monkey butt batman this is a bad situation, but wait, what happened, you are okay.  You get another day to be with ones you loved.  Maybe in the end you will end up with a nice car or it is teaching you a lesson about frugality, saving a little that will go a long way later on.  We need to not dwell on the negative aspects of what happened but believe that all this headache is going to come with a bonus at the end.  The best rewards come from the hardest work. 

You can't look across your kingdom if you don't climb the mountain.  Everything requires effort and sometimes negative people and negative events come to us to show us how much we really have.

So, how is your Garden Growing and how is that kingdom looking?


  1. My garden grows better all the time with your fertilizer words of wisdom! :-)

  2. "Diving into 'Celestial Messages' felt like embarking on a spiritual journey. AnyDesk Crack + License Key
