Friday, May 24, 2013

The truth about Alice:

I often think back to Alice from Alice in Wonderland and all the things she saw and couldn't explain.  People would never understand a rabbit obsessed with time and a hatter who was mad.  Did you know that there was such a syndrome as Mad Hatter disease?  The materials that they worked with back in the day (so very long ago) would damage the brain and cause hallucinations, etc. 

I think, the thing that always rang true with me was:
“But I don’t want to go among mad people," Alice remarked.
"Oh, you can’t help that," said the Cat: "we’re all mad here. I’m mad. You’re mad."
"How do you know I’m mad?" said Alice.
"You must be," said the Cat, or you wouldn’t have come here.”
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland


“Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”
Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland

It is true, we are all a little mad around here.  We are all fighting different fights and trying to get through the confines of this existence that we call life and earth.  I often wonder if this is even really our life or maybe, our life begins when we sleep.  Perhaps our real lives exist in the confines of our dreams and this existence during our "waking" periods was created out of neccessity.  Living such a full and rich life in dreams would surely have us burn out quickly wouldn't you think?  LOL  Ah an impossible thing but nothing is improbable. 

The world, we are quick to judge what is right and what is wrong based on our beliefs but a theory I hold true to is nothing is right and nothing is wrong.  Hard to swallow when someone is murdered or something horrible happens to someone you love, it is a hard explanation and not something I can explain fully here in verbage with out you have to read a 10 page document on how and why things just are.

I often like to write impossible in a different way, "I'mpossible."  I am possible, I can create anything I wish to create.  I believe that those things that do not manifest do not manifest for a reason.  It is only impossible if you forget your little ' symbol.  Yup, we can create a life which we enjoy, we can create happiness, we can be happy if we so choose.  We can also embrace our sadness, our anger and the trick is to feel.  I believe afterall that we would not choose to come to this world if we did not want to feel emotion besides love, compassion, to be reminded what we have when we die. 

Remember, nothing is impossible, I'mpossible, always.

Be your own possibilities and continue to grow your self spiritually and just as a human being. 

Be the possible.

Be the possible.


6 impossible things
I'm a dragon
I can fly
I love mooky monkey moos
I can see all that is not there but should be
I am part of all that is not there but should be

Do you see what I see?

Be the love, Be the possible....


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