Saturday, February 28, 2015

I never knew that my acceptance would help so many people

I suffered through this "gift" also know as the "curse" growing up.

It started with Seeing
Then physical contact
Then dreams,
Then knowing
Then saying things and being right but not knowing how I knew
Then Ouija
Then cards
Then Pendulums
Then feeling
Sensing emotion
It grew and grew.  I tried to stifle.
One day I was face with a possession and I stopped that jerk and he never came back with the same energy.
Then, it happened, one day I accepted it.  I just started trusting the process with out question.  I just opened up and what happened was amazing.

I began to change peoples lives.  I have a dear friend who came to me at an event I was at and it changed her life.  She is now healing people too.  You should know who you are.

I have cleared peoples homes of negativity, helped them find a new way to think, restored their faith in God.  I have helped people realize their potential, see that they are going to be okay, change the world one person at a time. 

By accepting who I am, I have helped others accept who they are and their experiences.

We can't help others unless we have help ourselves to accept who we are.  We are perfect and there is a reason we are given what we are.  If we learn to take what happens to us and grow we become better human beings. 

It isn't always easy but it is always possible.  Sometimes it just takes a longer time than others.

How does your garden grow?
Mine is spreading out to others now. 


  1. Yes, accepting and going with it is the answer.

  2. I feel like so many people struggle with acceptance. Look at people with terrible jobs and miserable marriages. They have come to just stay in that which is uncomfortable instead of accepting that they deserve the better. Sometimes we are stuck due to things out side of our control. Question is how can we accept things with out compromising who we want to be or what we want?
