Thursday, March 5, 2015

Blog Inspired by the Letter L, The Word Love, The emotion Fear and soul perfection






Did you ask me to love you?


Did I ask you to love me?


Did you ask your family to LOVE YOU?


Have you asked any of your partners to love you?

We don’t think much about it do we?  Through science we hear that the emotion of love comes through our Livers.  So does that mean someone who is an alcoholic is incapable of Love when their liver starts to die?  I have not witnessed this from the alcoholics I have known.  If anything I see that they often suffer because of the deepness of their love and pain from disappointing the family.  Maybe the liver filters love?  Who knows but let us move on from the body because, so much of our bodies potential is yet to be unlocked. 

Some people believe that LOVE is an easy thing.  It is in certain instances I suppose. 

Maybe it’s easy when we fall in love with a partner or we love our family. 


The question is can you love an evil person? 

Can you love someone who has wronged you, your family? 

Can that love continue despite the pain they have inflicted on your heart? 

Can you love your friends deeply and passionately no matter your sexual preference? 

Can you love everyone and still not like them?

How about the times we break up though, do we still love them? 


The basic answer is yes. 

The more complicated answer is it takes time to learn to love so freely and accept that you can love those you don’t like.  The simple rule to this basic principle is this; we don’t’ focus on the love of the ego, you are connecting to and loving their soul.  You are seeing the purity of them.  All of us are connected and all of our souls are intertwined so when you love yourself unconditionally it becomes easier to love others because you see pieces of you in them. 

It is hard for people to grasp that we all have a purpose; every soul comes with a mission.  An example of we all have a purpose is through a question I often get asked, “Why the soul would get stuck on earth?”  We all have a purpose and there is a balance of lessons and processing time.  The balance needs to be maintained.  How would someone like me learn about my ability if there were not a few ghosts hanging around to harass me?  How would I grow if they never spoke to me?  They were my first contact with the other side, now I talk more to the higher level spirits.  We also have mass lessons for a larger portion of humanity through natural disasters and large scale deaths scenarios like 9/11.  There are private lessons, death, abuse, partners who cheat, and the list goes on.  Each of these lessons help tot each us about love. 

When I meet a soul that is left behind I give them love.  When a soul is angry, hurtful, dark, I send them love because I know they are in the middle of a job or lesson for either me or someone else who has encountered them.  One of our biggest lessons that we don’t get here is to love not judge.  Perfection is not attainable in this great land of earth.  Love however, can never be anything other than perfect.  Now here is where it gets rather tricky, this love thing.  It becomes clouded by our ego, our earthly teachings through family, religion, moral growth whatever that may be.  

One of the things I have always believed when it came to Jesus is that he was the example of how to love those, even those that harm you.  No matter how much someone hurts us, if we remember to love them for the lesson they have provided us we can move forward.  We can start healing.  Love is what is healing for us.

Where does that go though?   

Here are things I do not want for you with this concept of loving others. 

Do not keep an abusive ex in your life because you love them.

Do not allow your family members to abuse you because you love them.

Do not allow love to hold you to any situations that causes you physical, emotional/psychological harm.   

What I do want you to do?  All I want is for you to love yourself enough to walk away.  Then love them and the lesson they have given you.  Love them for the opportunity for your growth.   

When you are done with that, send love to people you don’t know.  You know that homeless person, oh sure they smell like a bottle of vodka, and they haven’t washed in months.  Does that mean that they should not experience acts of love?  If you give them money and they spend it on booze who are you to judge?  Can you love them unconditionally enough to understand that their ego brought them there?  Can you bring them food, or a kind word.  Maybe a new pair of shoes would help them.  Loving humanity unconditionally becomes a huge work in progress.  

I always had a fascination with Serial Killers.  Not because I like the macabre or the insane but rather I think, they most have been loved by someone.  Someone must look at them and say, “I see you; I see your soul in there.  I get it.”  The soul came here to teach us a lesson, to be a part of something bigger.  Do we ever see it in the moment?  I had a client who was so depressed her fiancé cheated, and she was left alone, broken dreams.  About a year later she met the most amazing man who was amazing and she said to me, “you were right, I would have missed this if I married that.”   

Listen, I know it’s hard but love leads to forgiveness.  We are faced with challenges to grow.  I have the unfortunate instinct to love ALL HUMANS but I definitely do NOT LIKE all humans. 




LOVE yourself

Others will love you

You will love others

When people do you wrong send love to them (may not happen right away trust me)

Thank them for the lesson

Move on

Move on and

Oh and our ego makes us fear love, believing that makes us vulnerable.  It does if we do not know how to love people despite their faults and love the lessons they give us. 
Instead of using the word "forgive" perhaps we should use the word love.  "I love that I have a chance to grow because you are a jack ass."
It's hard to see through the filter of pain, fear, hurt, distrust and other negative emotions but it can happen.  LOVE it really is the key to everything.
How does your Garden Grow?

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