Osama Bin Laden is a topic all over the place today.
Someone asked me, "what do you think about it?"
What do I think about it?
What DO I think about it?
Good question....
1. Initially I was indifferent.
2. Then I was joyful.
3. Then I was fearful of retaliation.
4. Then I was remorseful that I was joyful for a moment at the cost of someones life.
5. Then I was elated that perhaps he will have a chance to learn new lessons and come back around a better human being.
6. Then I was angry at myself for making a judgement call in regards to what kind of human being he was at all.
7. I realized that every emotion I was having was ego driven.
8. I felt compassion.
Compassion for the family of Bin Laden who did not see him as a terrorist but a father, a friend, a person they trusted and looked up to. No matter how twisted we think someone is, there is always someone that loves them. I felt compassion for all those victims of 9/11 and the family they left behind. I felt compassion for those who had to hunt him down and kill him and the time they will be away from their family and them. I had compassion for all the military that are serving and all the families who are missing a loved military member, and compassion for all those who have already died serving our country and all the members of their families they left behind. I FELT AN OVERWHELMING amount of COMPASSION.
I sat and thought long and hard and felt guilt for all the other feelings I had, and then I felt compassion for myself. I am in the process of a spiritual journey and just like any other delicate, newly blooming garden, when it rains hard with sadness and anger all around, sometimes the blossom becomes dirty and weak, but once the sun (love, compassion) comes out we grow stronger and even more tolerant.
I can not place judgement on Bin Laden. He did not kill people HIMSELF. He was a mastermind who truly thought he was doing the right thing, just as America thinks killing Obama and Osama was the right thing. In the end we have no real proof. With hollywood stage make up anyone can look like Obama and/or Osama and truth is that life is what it is. I wish him compassion and understanding in his passing. I know he will be met at the gates of all those who died in his name, he will be made to face his wrongs and learn his lessons on the other side. Justice was not served in his death, growth and forgiveness (justice) will be served in his passing.
I know some may not agree with me, and that is okay. I do not want to start a debate over this, because I will not be swayed. In the end we say, "do unto others as you would have done unto you." We also say, "turn the other cheek." It is hard to justify killing, in the end our military believes they are doing the right thing and their military believes they are doing the right thing. In the end the only people we have to justify anything to is ourselves. We need to be comfortable with our decisions.
Remember, we create the world we live in. Change it to beauty, focus on the good and help those out that need help.
Donate more than your money when you can, donate love, compassion and understanding for everyone.
Love, Live, Laugh, and most of all LOVE SOME MORE.
After all, we are love.
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