Monday, June 13, 2011

I have a friend who follows my blog

I have a friend that reads my blog. She is not the same religion as I am and she does not have the same beliefs as I do. She reads for the inspirational aspects of what I post. Beyond the conversations with spirits and belief system there is something simple in these posts and she said, "they are inspirational."

She gets it, she gets what I am doing here. The point is NOT to convert people into believing that spirits are standing next to them. It is NOT to make people change their religious beliefs at all.

We are all very much individuals and we all follow our own paths. I don't demand that people believe as I do to read my blog. What I hope for is that people learn something, that they take messages from what I say, that there are things that touch you, somewhere in your existence.

Be brave, be proud and be who you are. If nothing else I want my blogs to be about love. If this is the first blog of mine you are reading, check out some of my older ones.

Blessings to all,
Love to all

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