Monday, February 13, 2012

How was your day, you decide....

I woke up today, got to hang with the greatest kids, watch them paint and learn.  Great day, then I brought my Mom to have a cataract removed, hung out with her until she went in, read a magazine and waited.  I have a ton of stress with housing issues, my parents being sick, my sister going through testing.  Today I was driving my mother home and I got pulled over for speeding.  So should I be angry?  It is a ticket, my fault, my job to pay.  Then I went to get the wheelchair out of my trunk just before bringing my Mom in the house, the trunk hits me in the head, I have a huge egg and blurry vision out of my left eye. 

So how was my day?

My mother got through surgery fine, I spent time with her and she is still alive.  I got to spend 6 hours with some of the greatest kids in the world.  My day was pretty good.  I am very blessed but sometimes we all get hit by the proverbial brick up side the head. 

Today it's about slowing down.  I would type more but the screen is getting blurry.  ha ha

So how was your day?

Here is a challenge for everyone, For one week try and write five good things that happened that day and do not repeat them.  So every day you shouldn't put, "I woke up, I kissed my family," try and think of something new everyday.  If you can't do five, think of at least one.  For one week, just try this.

So how was your day?


  1. Oh fun a challenge lol :-)
    1) I woke up (had to steal it lol)
    2) I had hot water for a shower
    3) I had soap to clean my body with
    4) I was late to my natropathic Dr. appt but he was so nice to see me 25 minutes late (shhhh....I forgot!)
    5) I had gas to get to work

  2. Tuesday:
    1) Found a pair of brass balls and actually spoke up this morning in a confrontational way (not common for me, so thankful)
    2) I actually made to my appointment and work on time today!
    3) My nice hot large cup of COFFEE! 8-Z that keeps me un-zombie like today
    4) My yummy healthy veges for lunch today
    5) My beautiful music that I'm able to listen to in my truck to intensify any mood I want to create at that moment.
    Come on guys! You all have positive stuff too...I KNOW it! (If you can't see it, I'll show you, even if you're a stranger)

  3. Tuesday:
    1. It's valentines day so lots of love was given.
    2. Despite my trunk and I getting in a fight, there is no real damage and I had a bunch of people laughing at the ER.
    3. Blessed that my son reminded me how much he loves me.
    4. Sat down and got to talk with my Dad for a little while.
    5. Remembered what my purpose is here and refocused my energy.

  4. Wednesday:

    1. Got to go see my mother and make her a healthy breakfast, do her eye drops, dishes and get bottles to return.
    2. Thankful for the JcPenny Card as my son needs new clothes for his concert.
    3. Blessed that I got to eat lunch with two adorable kids.
    4. Two more kids will be enrolling in the daycare soon.
    5. Blessed with the love of a man who, even though I agitate the snot out of him recognizes that I have a good heart.

    My day isn't even done yet.

  5. Oops I forgot a day....but you know what I love and accept myself for forgetting ...for we are only human and life happens
    1) even though it was a rough morning, I realized that only I can change me and extend my hand in love to those that aren't ready transformations. So I'm thankful for my realizations
    2) Peace and quiet today, my boss is out on vacation!
    3) I'm going to go to an Arab food store later today that I haven't gone to in years to get food I enjoy
    4) Picking up my sis in law that I connect with at a soul level even though we don't know each other well....I feel it's going to be a good weekend..even with the mixed sadness I see
    5) I'm becoming more comfortable with what I want in life even if it is painful letting go of the past. Empathy has it's goods and struggles, but I know I will make it.

  6. Thursday:
    1. Spent the day cleaning and reorganizing, thankful for the time.
    2. Got to laugh with my son.
    3. Got to catch up on my recorded shows.
    4. Spent some time with my Mom
    5. Laughed at my silly daughter.

  7. Friday:

    What has made me happy today? Or what brings me joy?

    1. Half a day with the daycare kids.
    2. Blessed with a chance to meditate today.
    3. Thankful for all of the hugs and kisses I got today from the beautiful children.
    4. Today I am thankful for a running car.
    5. Thankful for time with my son on his day off.

  8. Saturday:
    1. Blessed to have a hug in the morning.
    2. Blessed to hear I love you.
    3. Blessed to know I am loved.
    4. Saw something that made me laugh when I was feeling grumpy.
    5. Made my favorite sweet treat, coconut treats.

    1. Made my favorite soup.
    2. Ate my favorite soup.
    3. Tried and liked a new food.
    4. Had a great meditation.
    5. Had a great day with great friends, great tea and great conversation.

    1. I woke up
    2. I had new kids to meet at the daycare.
    3. I sang songs that made me feel like a little kid again.
    4. I got to remind myself and those I love that they can do anything they want to in life.
    5. I remembered that life is short and it is better to smile than cry.

  9. I don't remember what I did Saturday so I'll skip to Sunday...
    1) Spent time with wonderful people and met someone new
    2)successfully made food I haven't made in about 7+ years.
    3) went and painted my nails and haven't done that in forever either (tend to not always be girly)
    4) talked to 1am with sis in law and it was a learning experience
    5) I am also grateful for the sadness at times because it brings you down to earth and helps you heal.

  10. It's just another manic Monday whoa whoa.Wish it was Sunday....
    1) My credit score is better than I thought
    2) Had a nice four long conversation on the phone with a friend
    3) Sis in law staying an extra day.We all thought it was today
    4) Hopefully found a place for our dogs to live with us in a more affordable place
    5) Relaxing day at the office
