Friday, March 2, 2012

Talking to a friend

Talking to a friend I was realizing that perception is so odd a creature.  We all can experience the very same experience in very different ways.  A real quick example is going to a church service and some people are so moved and others are disconnected from the speech being given.  This perception of the event is based on our life events up to that point, where we are at that moment, what we have gone through, are going through or even need to go through.  I mean there are other factors but that is my quick way of saying, I am not going to list every factor out and explain in detail.

I am exhausted as I write this, I am usually exhausted as I write, truth is, it's when I can write my most muddled posts but feel the most connected to an enlightening moment.

So when we talked, we talked about our spirituality, let me clarify, spirituality, not our God or our religion.  We talked about how you can not truly explain a profound spiritual moment nor could you understand some other persons profound spiritual moment.  When I meditate I become one with nothing and everything.  I feel like the world is just a symbol that will evaporate if I stayed in a meditative state long enough.  In fact, part of me believes if I went into a deep enough meditation and it was my time to leave this body it would be a transition of little to no consequence and I would still exist in a meditative state once passed on.  LOL  I can not explain my depth of connection to all things around me and that is okay, sometimes, words should not explain moments in our lives.  After all we are taught to talk about our five senses, but how many words have been created to truly express an experience that goes so far beyond ordinary.  I am not sure there is a strong enough vocabulary created for those moments of what some might call zen.

I believe we are all connected in some way and not just from the idea that we are related because we all started from one little single celled organism that decided to multiply, and then created duplicates of itself, etc, etc, etc.  I do believe in Evolution and believe it was part of the plan.  So yes in that way there are parts of my genetic code in all of you.  Just as all of you are in me, but I am talking deeper.  I find that those who meditate together find that connection in an even deeper sense. 

I am in love with my spiritual self, not so much with my human self, with the vessel which carries my soul.  This Vessel, the mind in side of this vessel wants to explain everything in a concrete manner and the other side of me wants to hush that silly child that is asking too many questions.  While the side of me that is the side that focuses on the concrete and feels it is obtaining answers is hushing that spiritual side from asking so many questions.  Each side at times feels like it is the parent to the other.  Really they are both looking for the same thing, truth, but both has a very different perception of truth.  There will never be clarity, but there will always be interesting communication between the two.

So for now, tend to your Garden, follow your path and be okay with the questions you need answered, but also be okay that there may not be any answers, at least not right now.

Blessings and love.....
I may be back to edit tomorrow.  ha ha

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