Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Life is never over until it's over

I always hear people say, "Why me?"
"What have I done to deserve this?"
I don't know, you were ummmmm BORN!

Life is not easy and the meaning of it is whatever the hell you make of it! 

So I figure this, life isn't over until it's over.
We got a say before we got here as to what would happen.  That being said, we don't get to see what lessons we checked off and how much hell we decided to put ourselves through.  Notice the different uses of Hell in one story.  LOL  I am amusing myself today.

Truth is if you keep getting screwed over by people, it's time to pick out some better people.  Oh don't tell me you have because most likely you are picking the same type of friends.  Then you whine and complain that they are assholes and not really there for you. 

I have been the one that has been there for someone who constantly complained about their life and eventually I wasn't the best friend anymore they replaced me because I was nice I guess.  Gosh darn it people, I may be boring but I am a good boring friend to have.

In the end the fact is Life is not OVER until LIFE IS OVER.  WHO wants that?

The point is to live and to perfect being the best person you can be despite the obstacles and shit heads around you.  People are by nature selfish.  They do not do things to you but do things that may somehow benefit them.  Your goal is to move past it with a better sense of self and a kinder nature.  To be sure not to do the same thing. 

Be love, be kindness and be goodness.  Enjoy every hug, kiss, moment of love, laughter in your life.  We don't know when those we love will leave, we don't know when we will leave, but all we can do is remember to be good and kind.

Life is never over until it's over, so embrace each moment like a new moment to shine.


How does your Garden Grow?

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't matter age as long as you keep fighting the good fight. Had a therapist once say to me "you don't know when to give up" au contraire, but I do. I just don't accept things if there is a possibility I can change them. If I find I've reached a dead end then I walk away. Square peg in a round hole...no.
